Saturday, March 18, 2006

and because i haven't posted in a gazillion years....

........ feeektyuuuuuurs!!!! ^____^

<------------- this uber cute, furry, lil thing is ZIPPO. he is my sister's lil puppy. a product of shih tzu and lhasa apso breeds, i reckon he'll grow up into one helluva hairy mongrel. shiyeaaah!

adorable, really. he loffs lying down like
that. he likes it better if you spin him. yep. spin him like you do with a bottle during spin-a-bottle game. cruel, you think? he loffs it. LOVES IT. <3

this is me and my sister going camwhore craaaazyyyyy!!!!! (note: me's trying hard to make a hand-heart.)

imaginary rollercoasters are fun! ^__^ look mum, no hands!!!!


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