and crap.
hey....waddaya know MORE friggin' crap!!!
one by one, the PIXIES stole my SANITY.
Your Drag Queen Name is: NuPaul
Your Stripper Name is: Trixie
Your Porn Star Name is: Jenny Jiggles
Your Girl Parts Are Named: Furby
Your Boobies' Names Are: Elvis
where to start? where to start? hmmmn...
drag queen name first. soooo disappointing. i was aiming for something like, "CHI-CHI, the latina lover." oh, well.
stripper name. again, totally disappointing. i think of myself as a natasha. yeah. DEFINITELY a natasha. oh hell yeah!
next up, porn star name. wahahaha! oh i definitely like this one. im ABSOLUTELY a jenny jiggles. don't you think so too?
my thingy's name. FURBY. hmmmn...it's ok, i guess. better than it having no name.
and last, but not the least, my beloved boobies` name... ELVIS?! are you kidding me?! my boobies deserve better names than that.